Move your ancestral journey forward with these products and courses that we have personally used and love. Many of them contain great discounts, and, with every one, you'll be supporting us to continue bringing the podcast to you!

    Organ Supplements


    Grain Mill

    Freshly-ground grain makes the ultimate in nutritious and tasty bread. Alison loves using a Mockmill to grind all her grain! Support us as you make incredible bread by using the page below to purchase your Mockmill in the US or UK.


    Alison loves using Emile Henry ceramic bakeware. It's made in France with local clay, guaranteed for 10 years and is incredibly beautiful. Support the podcast with your purchase in the US.


    Ferment your kitchen waste and make free biologically-active compost for your garden! Check out episode #45 for all the details.


    We love books and we love local bookshops. To support your local bookshop and the podcast, get the books we talk about at our very own 'local' online store!

    Essential Oils & Home Care Products

    We both love using Young Living’s clean, ethically-farmed essential oils and their cleaning products! You can purchase Young Living products through Andrea’s affiliate here:


    Great Lakes make our favourite collagen supplements. You can stir into your morning coffee (or, if you're Alison, into your porridge!).