Episode #91 7 Meals in 1 Day! – Meals for a Week

This mini-cookbook accompanies episode #91 – 7 Meals in 1 Day. It builds on two recipes from our first cookbook, Meals at the Ancestral Hearth, and details how we use those recipes to feed our families for a whole week. As well as schedules and tips for the week it includes 7 recipes, including: Beef heart with…

#91 – 7 Meals in 1 Day!

The question we receive the most is how do you do it? How do you cook 3 meals a day, 365 days a year for your families? We thought it was about time we tackled this head on, and do it in a practical way. So in this episode you will hear two real-life examples of how we took one cooking session and let it guide the food we served and ate for a whole week.


Kitchen Table Chats #37 – 40 Days Post-Partum, Supermarket Nightmares & Doubling Our Listeners

These are the show notes for a podcast episode recorded especially for patrons of my main show (Ancestral Kitchen Podcast). These patrons pay a monthly subscription to be part of the podcast community and in return receive monthly exclusive recordings (like this private podcast) along with lots of extra resources. You can get access to…

#89 – ‘Snotty’ Ferments, Ale Recipe & Convincing Those Who Won’t Listen (a Peek into a Patron Exclusive Podcast)

Every month, we record not only the episodes you listen to here on Ancestral Kitchen but also a special show for supporters of the podcast – that is, our patrons. The episode you’re about to hear is one of these patron-exclusive shows from earlier in the year. In it you’ll get a taste of the sort of things we cover – we regularly talk about what’s happening in our own lives, often sharing things we wouldn’t in the main episodes and we also, as you will hear, answer really juicy questions from our patrons.

Encore: The 5 Cheapest (& Yet the Most Expensive) Foods

Many of the questions Alison and I receive on a constant basis relate to topics that we covered in early foundational episodes of the podcast, so we decided to bring a few of those archive episodes to the front and highlight them for new listeners to enjoy. This episode is one of our very earliest – it’s only our fourth episode on the podcast; and we were covering five of the most expensive foods to buy that are ironically some of the cheapest foods you can make.

#88 – Growing, Storing and Using Garlic: A Patron Special Episode

Megan is a podcast listener, turned podcast patron, turned podcast admin! She is now working for the Ancestral Kitchen Podcast and it has been so wonderful having her helping Alison and I out. This is a very special episode that we recorded just for patrons of the podcast, and it went up on a private podcast feed where we have over 80+ episodes that are just special bonuses for patrons of the podcast who are helping support it and keep us on the air.

#87 – Taking Your Health in Your Own Hands

So many of us come to ancestral foods because of our own or our family’s health. We’ve tried what the mainstream medical model has to offer and we’re done with it. We want to look for and work with alternatives. And that journey can be a lonely and fraught one. The world doesn’t provide much support for taking this road less travelled and yet, when doing hard things and making tough decisions we sooo need support. That’s why we wanted to bring this episode, taking your health in your own hands, to the podcast. To offer perspective, support and encouragement to you, wherever you are on your health journey.

Episode #86 Ancestral Stories – Recipes from Beyond the North Wind

Beyond the North Wind by Darra Goldstein is a beautiful book full of delicious recipes. We featured it in episode #86 – Let’s Capture & Preserve Your Ancestral Stories. Thanks to permission from the publisher, we are able to share three recipes from the book with you: Farmer’s Cheese Pancakes Russian Hand Pies Roasted Radishes…

#86 – Let’s Capture & Preserve Your Ancestral Stories

In this episode Andrea and I will put out a call for you to send us your own ancestral stories and we’ll also celebrate people who have collected and treasured this knowledge by sharing four beautiful, evocative pieces of food wisdom hand-picked by some of our favourite authors. Be prepared to be amazed, enlightened, inspired and enthused, as we are, to go out and do all you can to rebuild our individual food stories using the wisdom of our ancestors as the guiding star.

#85 – Ancestral Cooking When You’re Busy, Sick, Pregnant or Moving

What about cooking and eating ancestrally when you’re in times of turmoil, or busy chaotic times – like having a new baby, or when people are sick, or when you’re moving across countries! In this episode Alison and I are going to talk about all of these things because we are going through all of them. We will share some of our strategies and plans for using up food stores before a move, or preparing food in advance when there’s a baby coming, and how we’re going to keep our systems running despite all of the disruptions going on in normal life.


Kitchen Table Chats #36 – ‘Snot’ in Ferments, Alison’s Ale Recipe & How to Convince Others to Eat Well

These are the show notes for a podcast episode recorded especially for patrons of my main show (Ancestral Kitchen Podcast). These patrons pay a monthly subscription to be part of the podcast community and in return receive monthly exclusive recordings (like this private podcast) along with lots of extra resources. You can get access to…

#84 – How to Get More (& Tastier!) Liver into Your Diet

This episode is for liver lovers and liver haters! We talk about why liver is so important, how often to eat liver, where to start with sourcing, preparing and cooking liver, what types of liver we eat and how we eat it, how to eat liver without realising you’re eating liver, how to get children to eat liver, what to do if you just can’t eat liver and we share our favourite and our patrons favourite liver recipes.

#83 – Meal Planning and Ancestral Food Rhythms with Rebecca Zipp

Rebecca is a good friend and a good influence. She is the creator behind A Humble Place, with a website and an Instagram both by that name, where I first found her when I was looking for Charlotte Mason art studies, and I got many of her beautiful sets. In this episode, though, she is teaching me about her meal planning strategies.


Kitchen Table Chats #35 – Alison’s Moving Countries & Andrea’s Having a Baby!

These are the show notes for a podcast episode recorded especially for patrons of my main show (Ancestral Kitchen Podcast). These patrons pay a monthly subscription to be part of the podcast community and in return receive monthly exclusive recordings (like this private podcast) along with lots of extra resources. You can get access to…

#81 – Millet: How to Use this Sustainable, Gluten & Lectin-Free Grain

Do you cook with millet? I do and I love this ancient grain for the fact that it is super sustainable, very economical and, being gluten and lectin free, really easy to digest. In this episode we dive in to the ancestral grain millet. We will talk about what it is, why you’d want to include it in your diet, how to cook it and I then I will go on to share in detail my seven favourite ways to use millet – we regularly consume millet all of these ways in our home.


Kitchen Table Chats #34 – All About Garlic with Master Grower Megan Greenaway

These are the show notes for a podcast episode recorded especially for patrons of my main show (Ancestral Kitchen Podcast). These patrons pay a monthly subscription to be part of the podcast community and in return receive monthly exclusive recordings (like this private podcast) along with lots of extra resources. You can get access to…

#80 – Feeding Babies & Children Nutrient-Dense Food with Christine Muldoon

Feeding babies and children a nutrient-dense ancestral diet is something that many moms have questions about. Whether the questions are “how do I start my child off on the right foot” or “I have older kids and we are just coming to this ancestral diet now – help, how do I transition them to this good food!” – these are things that we think about. Here to help us today is Christine Muldoon, from The Modern Ancestral Mamas Podcast.