
Kitchen Table Chat #17 – Brewing Ancient Ale, Oats, Regen Britain & Apple Gravy

This post is the show notes of the podcast that is available exclusively to patrons of Ancestral Kitchen Podcast. If you would like to know more you can check out the main podcast here and learn how to become a patron here.

Thank you patrons!

Here’s a Kitchen Table Chat we recorded early October. If you’re on our Companionship level, come over to Discord and let us know what you wanted to interrupt us with!!

Here’s what we cover:

  • Oat industrialisation and a crazy excerpt from a 1957 patent from Quaker
  • Andrea’s roasted chicken with delicious blended apple sauce and how Alison used this idea with pork
  • Incorporating help/community into your kitchen
  • Sustainable Food Trust regenerative farming report ‘Feeding Britain from the Ground Up
  • Baking goods without eggs
  • Brewing ancient ale: Alison’s reading/research, experiments and suggestions for where to begin
  • Diary of a Farmer’s Wife
  • Movement & Pasta Grannies

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