
Kitchen Table Chats #36 – ‘Snot’ in Ferments, Alison’s Ale Recipe & How to Convince Others to Eat Well

These are the show notes for a podcast episode recorded especially for patrons of my main show (Ancestral Kitchen Podcast). These patrons pay a monthly subscription to be part of the podcast community and in return receive monthly exclusive recordings (like this private podcast) along with lots of extra resources. You can get access to the recording and see how the community works by visiting www.patreon.com/ancestralkitchenpodcast.

There will be no KTC in July or August. Andrea and I will be back with you here in September. There will, however, be a KTC live get together in July and August so please come join us there (see the patreon feed for the dates and details of how to access).

Today’s chat covers:

  • Alison’s current low histamine diet
  • Patron Hanna’s experience with snot (also known as a leuconostoc overgrowth!) appearing in her rye kvass and how she fixed it
  • Ancestral ale – all the detail on Alison’s process
  • Norwegian farmhouse yeast
  • How ancestral eating is so much about zero waste
  • How ancestral foods taste and how SAD eaters handle the difference
  • Patron Amelia’s question: How do we influence people who don’t want to listen?

Enjoy, have a great summer and thank you for your support!


Alison’s Russian Rye Kvass recipe

Alison’s practical ale-making post

Video about leauconostoc overgrowth

Making Medieval Ale in a Modern Kitchen

Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset, translated by Tina Nunnally, and all three parts of the trilogy combined in one book

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