
Kitchen Table Chat #17 – Brewing Ancient Ale, Oats, Regen Britain & Apple Gravy

This post is the show notes of the podcast that is available exclusively to patrons of Ancestral Kitchen Podcast. If you would like to know more you can check out the main podcast here and learn how to become a patron here. Thank you patrons! Here’s a Kitchen Table Chat we recorded early October. If…

#43 – Fertility – It’s More Than Just Pregnancy!

Fertility is an indication of peak health. Yet, in our modern-day thinking, we have reduced fertility to simply something you look at when you want to get pregnant. In this episode, we recount Alison’s incredible fertility journey, what the doctors told her about her hopes of ever conceiving naturally, and what she found as a solution.

#40 – 26,000 Nutrient-Dense Meals with Lunch Leader Hilary Boynton

“Last year we served 26,000 meals to kids and that’s not including snacks…next year 44,000 meals.” Today we talk with an amazing woman. Hilary Boynton is not only a mother feeding 6 kids, she’s not only the author of the GAPS cookbook Heal Your Gut, but as you just heard she’s a powerhouse who went…

#35 – The Easy Way

It’s finding a balance, making sure you’re feeding your creativity in the things that inspire you, and trying to make the things that you’re not so hot on as quick and easy as possible… We live in a society that is very time-poor, and it is easy to lose that time and not have the time…


#34 – Our Favourite Nourishing Traditions Recipes

“We love this book so much!” The ancestral cook’s bible: Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon-Morell We love this book and we’ve cooked so much from it. In this episode you’ll hear which six recipes from the hundreds filling its pages are our absolute favourites. We’ll share why we love them, give you tips about the…

#26 – Bones & Water – The Magic of Stock

Take the left-over bones from an animal, combine them with water and some gentle heat and then wait. You’ll be gifted with one of the most revered food stuffs worldwide: Stock. It’s nourishing, comforting, tasty and the base of so much good food. Listen in to hear us wax lyrical over this simple food, then talk about how we make it, the different types and how we use it in our kitchens.