
Do you want a fun and interesting way to get more probiotics into your life? Are you interested in a dairy-free, gluten-free and lectin-free tasty probiotic drink? Would you like Alison to walk you through how to bring an ancestral, super-successful fermentation recipe to life in your kitchen? Boza fermenting in my kitchen From Alison: When I first heard of Boza, the probiotic millet drink that’s a household name in Turkey,…

Do you love oats? Would you like to learn how to re-create an age-old Scottish traditional fermentation? Are you up for creamy porridge plus a tangy, probiotic oat drink? In Alison’s course Sowans: The Scottish Oat Ferment, she will walk you through how to ferment oats the way the Scots used to. You’ll end up…

Would you love to be able to create delicious wholegrain rye sourdough breads in your kitchen? Alison’s course Wholegrain Rye Sourdough Bread: Mastering The Basics will teach you everything you need know to get creating rye breads at home whether you’re a complete sourdough novice or a seasoned baker! You’ll learn: Rye’s rich history. Why rye sourdough is such…